COVID-19 Update
While we move forward with our day camp programs this summer we want to keep everyone up to date on the changes to our COVID-19 guidelines. We are in the process of modifying some of our precautions/guidelines as the CDC and state government continues to lift restrictions, such as screenings and masks. We have now shifted our mask guidelines to reflect the current changes for fully vaccinated individuals. These changes will now allow fully vaccinated individuals to refrain from wearing masks and social distancing while on campus.
We encourage those who have not been fully vaccinated or those who are currently under the vaccination age to please continue wearing a mask and social distance when possible, until additional changes are made to guidelines. We are continuously monitoring further changes in guidelines and will transition according to the CDC and state updates. We thank you for your great patience and support through these uncertain times. Ultimately we know that God will work this summer mask or no mask, no overnight or overnight. God Bless.

With our summer season beginning officially on June 12th, now is the time to register your camper for our 2021 day camp programs! Due to the nature of our day camp programs we have dropped our registration fee and have reduced our camp rates, some up to 50% (see our reduced rates below). Also, if you are a member of one of our member churches you may be eligible for more discounts. Please contact your church leaders to learn more! Register your child/children today by visiting
Summer Camp Schedule
- Little Girls and Guys (Ages 4 to 1st Grade) June 12th
- Beginners (Entering 2nd and 3rd Grade) June 21st – 22nd
- Junior (Entering 4th and 5th Grade) July 19th – 23rd
- Intermediate (Entering 6th and 7th Grade) July 26th – 30th
- Jr High (Entering 8th and 9th Grade) July 12th – 16th
- Senior High (Entering 10th Thru Recent Grads) June 14th – 18th
- Special Needs (All Ages) *Overnight July 7th – 10th
Summer Camp Rates
- Little Girls & Guys: $15/Person
- Beginners: $50
- Special Needs (Overnight): $200
- Remaining Weeks: $125

Lodge Campaign
Progress continues to be made in the planning process of building our new all-season lodge! We have been working on finalizing the exterior colors and materials, interior functions and décor, and other aspects to get ready for the bidding process. We are confident that we will be able to meet our start date for the excavation and construction process following shortly after the summer camp season in August.
To join us in celebrating 75 years of Christian camping through donating to our Diamond Anniversary Campaign or for more information on our new building, visit

New Paths To Travel
There is a reason our camp was not called Sylvan “Flats”. Sometimes our beautiful hills lead to wet shoes, grass stains and muddy pants before we’ve had our morning coffee (or hot chocolate). We have listened and have delivered! We now have easily navigable paths from the Dorm to the Dining Hall and Chapel for that early morning walk. We have also included a stone pathway through the Prayer Garden for easy access and have replaced our grass picnic table area with stone. It not only makes our campus more easily traveled, but looks great too! Check out more pictures below!

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