Please Welcome our new Chairman, Norman Westerbaan (left)!
Thank You to our previous Chairmen, Wayne Fishburn (middle) and Earl Nick (right) for your servant's hearts, leadership & guidance!

Newsletter – November 2018

Celebrating God’s Faithfulness in 2018

As the conclusion of 2018 draws near, please join with me in celebrating God’s faithfulness to your camp throughout this past year!  Here are just a few ways His faithfulness has been evident: 
  • 290 campers attended the regular weeks of summer camp
  • 23 campers attended Special Needs camp
  • 6 decisions for Christ and many re-dedications were made at camp!!  Praise God for His faithfulness!!!
In addition, we have witnessed God’s faithfulness where the physical needs of the camp are concerned…
You may recall from this past Spring the pleas for financial assistance that came your way.  We had just begun raising funds to replace the old metal army bunks in the Girl’s Dorm with new (Amish built) wooden bunks with improved safety rails and ladders.  And, thanks to the generosity of the many supporters who gave over $12,000 within just a few months, all of the funds were raised!  As a result, your campers were able to enjoy beautiful, safe, and functional bunks this past summer!  Praise God for His faithfulness!!   
Also, we had expressed that the Dining Hall kitchen stove was in very poor condition and we were raising funds to replace it with a smaller stove and two convection ovens that would provide a much more reliable and cost-effective way to prepare food for our campers.  And, again, God worked through His people and over $8000 was given!  As a result, your dining hall is now equipped with fantastic, very high quality cooking equipment to help feed future generations of campers!  Praise God for His faithfulness!!


Speaking of meals for campers, Sylvan Hills also has a fantastic new chef, Mickala, who cooked some delicious food for us this past summer, has been cooking for some retreat groups, and plans to continue as our summer camp chef!  (read more about Mickala below).  Praise God for His faithfulness!!

God has also been faithful to your camp in terms of leadership.  During this past year, Norman Westerbaan (Chairman), Jared Moore (Vice Chairman), John Rougeaux (Treasurer) and Steve Salmon (Secretary) have all stepped onto the Executive Board to help lead your camp into a very promising future!  Praise God for His faithfulness!!

So, as God has shown His faithfulness to us, may we remain faithful as we serve Him at Sylvan Hills!  In the words of the Hebrew writer, “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.”  Hebrews 10:23

Serving Him,

Summer Chef

This past summer, Sylvan Hills, was blessed to welcome Chef Mickala Dorman to the Dining Hall kitchen!  As a young girl helping prepare meals at home, Mickala developed a love for cooking that eventually led her to attend the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY.  She eventually moved back to her home area of central PA where she has worked several years for College Chefs and is now following her dream of owning and operating her own catering business, Twisted Whisk.  Campers and staff alike have raved about her cooking as they look forward to another summer of delicious meals!  Mickala also prepared a wonderful dinner for our recent Alumni Banquet and will continue to cook for retreat groups who request food service.  What a blessing to have Mickala as a part of our Sylvan Hills family!

Fall Work Day 2018

Every year, Sylvan Hills has special days set aside so that those who enjoy serving have the opportunity to use their gifts & abilities to assist with different projects.
Our recent work day on November 3rd was a great success as several large projects were completed, including tree trimming, removal of old bunks and cleaning of debris!

Thank you to those who came & served with a willing heart!

Summer 2019 Schedule

Little Girls & Guys
4yrs old thru 1st grade
(must be accompanied by adult)
May 31, 2019  – June 1, 2019
Senior High
10th grade thru recent graduates
June 16, 2019 – June 21, 2019

2nd & 3rd grade
June 23, 2019 – June 25, 2019

Junior High

8th & 9th grade
July 7, 2019 – July 12, 2019


4th & 5th grade
July 14, 2019 – July 19, 2019


6th & 7th grade
July 21, 2019 – July 26, 2019

Special Needs Camp

All Ages
Aug 14, 2019 – Aug 17, 2019

Summer 2018 Recap

As you look back at the summer camp season through the videos below, you will see the evidence of how God’s blessings have continued to be showered upon Sylvan Hills!

Please continue to earnestly pray for the youth who attended!  Pray that their lives will continue to be transformed by the power of God & that they will strive to live for Him!

Little Girls & Guys
Junior Week
Intermediate Week
Junior High Week
Senior High Week

Alumni Banquet

On October 6th, alumni from as far back as 1950’s all the way to the present decade came together to enjoy treasured memories, great fellowship and delicious food!  A special highlight of the evening was a slideshow presentation (attached below) that brought back fond memories from the past 70 years.  A special “Thank You” goes out to the Activities Team and the other individuals who gave of their time to make this such a special event!  

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