Tim, along with his wife Kate are lead campus ministers of Impact Campus Ministries at Lock Haven University. They have a passion for college ministry and are the proud parents of two boys, Judah and Ezra, along with a new baby girl, Moriah.
Jared is a 2018 graduate of Bald Eagle Area School District, and a 2022 graduate of Lock Haven University. While at LHU, Jared was an active member of the LHU Christian Student Fellowship. Jared is now a 3rd year gym teacher, loves Jesus since birth, and was baptized in 2012. He appreciates rock music, sports (soccer especially), and talking about faith in God with everyone and anyone.
5:00 PM – Registration
5:45 PM – Dinner
7:00 PM – Program
Pie & Fellowship
Pork | Hot Dogs |Sauerkraut Mashed Potatoes | Veggies | Cole Slaw Coffee | Tea | Lemonade Pie