March Update 2022


Spring Kickoff

Join us on May 1st at 6 PM to kick off the road to summer at our Spring Kickoff! Meet your campers’ Dean, learn more about your child’s week of camp, or just come join us to celebrate a new summer camp season after two years of abnormal camp programs. More information to come.

Men’s Night Out: “Fellowship”

Back by popular demand is our Men’s Night Out program. Join us in fellowshipping together with delicious food, worship and pie on May 13th.  Who doesn’t like pie! Our speaker for the evening will be Russ Moldovan from Blanchard Church of Christ speaking on a very fitting theme for the occasion, “Fellowship”. Free lodging is available for anyone who wants to stay overnight. More information on how to register will be available soon.

Spring Workdays

Do you have a passion for service and like to work with your hands? Join us on May 7th and 14th at 8 AM for our annual spring workdays! We will start the day out with donuts and coffee as you sign up for what project/s  you would like to work on, but you are welcome to join us at anytime during the day. There are a wide variety of projects for all ages and skill levels to get our facilities ready for our summer camp programs. Lunch will also be provided for those who stay.

Ropes Course Training

We will be hosting a Ropes Course Training on April 28th at 4:30 PM for anyone who wants to refresh their memory or become a first-time trainee. It is essential to have facilitators for our ropes course elements to ensure our campers safety and to help guide them through their experience. Dinner will be provided following the training.


It’s that time of year again! We are really excited for a new, traditional summer of summer camp programs. Find your child’s summer camp program poster below to keep the excitement flowing! Registration will open mid-April. For information on our summer camp programs, please visit 2022

VOLUNTEER Opportunities

There are always opportunities for you to serve our campers. If you want to join our team to continue to make our campers’ summer camp weeks a success, please contact the Camp Manager so that we can find the best fit for you! 

Volunteer opportunities include, but are not limited to:

  • Adult staff
  • Nurses
  • Worship leaders
  • Kitchen helpers
  • Teachers and speakers
  • Ropes course facilitators
  • Reset crews (Helps get the facilities ready for the next camp week)

Building Update

A HUGE thank you to everyone who has donated toward our 75th Diamond Anniversary Campaign to replace our existing Cabins with a new Children’s Lodge. Our goal for August 2022 was to reach $200,000. We are excited to announce that we have already exceeded that goal! We are continuing to look for one-time and monthly donors to help improve our facilities to impact the next generation of Christian campers. If you would like to become a part of the Sylvan Hills community, please visit to donate!

We are also excited to announce that we will be timbering off our land in an effort to save our trees from the gypsy moths and to help fund our building project. We will be receiving over $190,000 that will go directly to our upcoming Children’s Lodge. The process will begin between now and our summer camp season. We will see some cosmetic changes as trees are being timbered, but they will be minor and will not affect our summer camp season.

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