End of Season Newsletter

End Of Season Newsletter

2022 Summer Camp Season Recap

The first traditional, overnight summer camp at Sylvan Hills since our 2019 season was one to remember! It was great to finally be back and to allow our campers to experience a “normal” camping season after a couple of unprecedented years. Throughout all of our weeks we had a total of 220 campers and 3 individuals who gave their lives to Christ! It was apparent that God was moving through our campers as they took a break from the world and gave their time to focus on their relationship with Jesus. A HUGE thank you to all of our Deans for preparing and running our weeks, our staff members who volunteered all of their time and for our parents who made sure that their children were able to experience the presence of God at Sylvan Hills Chirstian Service Camp. Check out our recap pictures and videos of each week!

Little Girls & Guys




Jr High

Senior High

Special Needs

Building Update

Exciting things are happening as we say farewell to our Cabins to make way for the construction of our new all-season Lodge. Following the conclusion of our summer camp season the 4 Cabins that once resided on the hill by the Chapel were successfully loaded up and shipped off down Marsh Creek Road in one piece! The area our Cabins once sat is now an ever-changing landscape as our excavator works to prepare the building site so that construction of our new Lodge can begin. There are many memories (and smells), as well as many lives that were changed during the “era” of the Cabins. However, let us look forward to the new memories, new opportunities and continued ministry at Sylvan Hills during the new era of the Lodge!
To stay up to date with the building projects’ progression, view more pictures and videos, visit our website at www.sylvanhills.org or follow us on Facebook!

Groundbreaking Picnic

On Sunday, August 21st over 40 individuals joined together for a time of fellowship and celebration as we formally broke ground at our Groundbreaking Picnic. We ask that you continue to pray for our building project as it progresses forward, not only for a smooth process, but that God will use this new addition to further reach our community.

If you would like to become a part of impacting the next generations of Christian campers through Sylvan Hills Christian Service Camp through our 75thDiamond Anniversary Campaign, please visit www.sylvanhills.org/75th.

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